Susu Nousala, David Ing and Peter Jones
Since 2014, an international collaboration of design scholars has organized a transition for design practice and education from a legacy orientation to product and services design towards a broad range of sociotechnical systems and complex contemporary societal issues. At the 2015 Relating Systems Thinking and Design (RSD4) Symposium, DesignX cofounder Don Norman presented a keynote talk on the frontiers of design practice and the necessity for advancing design education to address highly complex sociotechnical problems. He identified the qualities of these systems as relevant to DesignX problems, and called for systemics, transdisciplinarity and the need for high-quality observations (or evidence) in design problems. By October 2015 the first DesignX workshop was held at Tongji University in Shanghai with this collaboration to share experiences and propose directions for design education and for the newly launched design journal She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics and Innovation.
A half-day workshop was conducted by the authors in Toronto at RSD5, to sustain the relationship between the RSD and DesignX communities. The relationships between systemic design, existing educational programs and the DesignX agenda were explored in a collaborative discussion. This article summarizes the experiences and insights from design leaders, educators and practitioners participating in the half-day session.
Susu Nousala, David Ing and Peter Jones, "Some Future Paths for Design Professionals: DesignX and Systemic Design", Proceedings of the Relating Systems and Design (RSD5) Symposium , OCAD University, October 2016.
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