David Ing
In which ways is the subject of systems change, as a first-class concept, distinct from a reduction into (i) systems and (ii) changes? For practice, theory, and methods to be authentically rigourous, the philosophy underlying an approach to systems changes can be explicated. Through an appreciative systems framework, presumptions are surfaced as to (i) what are and are not systems changes; (ii) when, where, and for whom, systems changes are prioritized for attention; and (iii) how systems changes should be addressed. Philosophies of (i) architectural design; (ii) ecological anthropology, (iii) Classical Chinese Medicine and (iv) rhythms, are explored through multiparadigm inquiry, and open theorizing. The resulting influence of these four philosophies is considered, leading to a philosophy of systems rhythms more explicitly proposed as a foundation on which to approach systems changes.
Ing, David. 2022. “Appreciating Systems Changes via Multiparadigm Inquiry: Architectural Design, Ecological Anthropology, Classical Chinese Medicine, Systems Rhythms.” Proceedings of the 66th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences.
An abbreviated version of this proceedings paper has been peer-reviewed and formally published in Systems Research and Behavioral Science .
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